While most of the time I write in my blog about my battle with Myasthenia Gravis today is going to be different.
Yesterday, the local Christian radio station that I listen to came to visit our “Tiny Town”. I had taken the day off of work and decided I was going to go up there. Little did I know the blessing I was going to receive. This is one of the first “outings” I’ve been on without my mask and since I’ve been off of prednisone. So needless to say my appearance changed. I feel so much better that I can actually participate in things. I received a bunch of hugs and love from people who couldn’t believe how much better I looked. These are people that I KNOW have been praying for me daily. I KNOW these people love me and WE are family. We may look different but WE are Lincoln County!
I was especially moved when I got to see a couple who have been fighting a battle much different from mine. Jamey and Tina Corley are younger than me but I have known Jamey for at least 35 years. He and I grew up in the same small community called Leah, Georgia right across the lake from where we both live now. Jamie and my brother ran the same circles and had the same friends.
I was crushed when he was “given the diagnosis” of esophageal cancer with metastasis to the liver last August. He is so young and so are his children. His wife, Tina, and I keep up on Facebook so I know the hills and valleys they have been through. After his first round of chemo the liver was declared cancer free. Prayer people! God is in the healing business…every single day and this is proof!
Yesterday, I saw Jamey and Tina walking up toward the Welcome Center and I rushed down the porch steps to see them. I became very emotional because I have been praying for him everyday and he looked great! We hugged, I got teary eyed and hugged again. The whole thing was caught on video. Tina was hidden from view on the other side of a tree (of course in her she put it on Facebook with her husband hugging some strange woman! 😂😂). I almost spit out my drink when I saw it and I laughed so hard.
In talking with Jamey I told him I have been praying for him daily and he replied I pray for you every night too. I got to hug Tina even though THAT didn’t get on the video! Jamey couldn’t have found a better wife. She is beautiful, loving and hysterically funny; a precious person all around. She doesn’t know it but her sense of humor has helped me through some bad days. It was a wonderful reunion! I can’t imagine what reunions are going to be like in heaven but, I’m sure they will fill your heart with as much joy as this one.
In our conversation Jamey said something that struck me. He said he has “not claimed this cancer” he completely laid it at Jesus’ feet last August; LAST August! How strong of a person is that? I struggle with things that I give to God and then I take it back and try to fix it. Tina and I chuckled because she said she does the same thing. He is as peaceful as any person I’ve met. I want that too! I pray The Lord will give me that strength to give Myasthenia Gravis to HIM permanently! What a reminder that I needed to hear!
I need you to do something for Jamey and Tina. He has an important scan on Monday. Lift him and Tina up in prayer as they continue to Praise Jesus in the hills and valleys. Jamey said he knows he is going to be cancer free and I fully believe him because I believe in HIM! God is The Great Physician and all we have to do is lay it at His feet and leave it there. Thank you Jamey and Tina for lifting my spirits and reminding me to leave it there! I love y’all!
Thanks for reading and praying! ~Melynda