Tal and I have graciously been given the honor of owning his grandparents property and home. We have been married almost 32 years and it has been his dream. Our plan is to retire on it. For him it is home. For me it’s peace and comfort. There are so many great memories at this place. Memories of loved ones that are no longer with us; along with Christmas, Easter and New Year’s gatherings. Time stands still here to us. It floods me with memories of my own grandparents because it’s simple here. There is well water, a clothes line, fireplace for heat, box fans for air and one little bathroom with a door to beat on when someone is holding you up! I do a lot of beating on the door. 😂
His grandmother lived to be 94 and if you knew Ruby Walton her yards were meticulous and she had every flower you could imagine and then some. Time has not been on our friend since the yards haven’t been tended as they have needed. Tal tells our (adult) children that we need to have a family day at Big Mama’s. I’m sure you are thinking does it work? Do they come? Uuhhmm; that answer is no. 😂😂
Tal bless his heart tries to keep it cleaned up but it is overwhelming and it’s not like I am a great help. I never know when my body will be up to the task. We try but, it is nothing compared to Ruby! How in the world she kept all of this up is beyond us. When we find some new flower or even bricks randomly placed around something we have to call his mama to come down here and see what it is. There have been times of uncertainty so, we just act like something is there and keep checking to see what pops up. It’s like a treasure hunt with flowers! 😂
I’ve been off this week for doctors appointments and such but last night we decided (spur of the moment) to spend the night. I got to sleep in, make my coffee and walk around the yard. Tal suggested it. He told me I would be surprised at what’s blooming. I was certainly delighted by all of the beautiful blooms! There is so much that needs to be done to get the yard cleaned but the blossoming flowers caught my eyes over the pine straw, briars, weeds and sticks.
It reminds me of God’s goodness. If we choose to see the ugly in things we do. But what about when we choose to look for God’s goodness? There is beauty even in the pine straw, briars, weeds and sticks! We just simply have to make the choice on how we want to see things. I’m thankful for a God who sees the beauty in me even when I’m at my worst. We have an always forgiving God who loves us! It gives me goosebumps to know I am so loved!
Here are a few pictures from this morning. Remember God sees your beauty even when you don’t feel beautiful! ~Melynda