There is a song titled “In Christ Alone” the lyrics are:
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
The words have responded in my head today as I have mourned over the news of a dear friend’s death today. Rita Wengrow Hussey was one of a kind. I believe everyone in Lincoln County knew Rita and she knew everyone. Not one single time that I have seen her or talked to her did she not ask me about myself and my family, by name! How in the world she kept everyone straight I will never know! Lord knows I call my children by the wrong name much less keep everyone else straight. I cant even tell you how long I’ve known Rita, Tal & I will celebrate 28 years of marriage in a few weeks and I am guessing I’ve known her every bit of that. She left her sick earthly body for her heavenly home last night. When I found out this morning I cried; A big ugly cry. I selfishly didn’t want her to leave but I know her body couldn’t fight the cancer that had ravished it. I knew if I ever needed anything she would do it, if I needed to talk she would listen. The funny thing is I think many people in our tight knit little town felt the same way. What an impact to love so many but to be loved by them back. My heart aches for her family because that’s a void that can never be filled by another. I am going to miss her laugh, it would fill a room, especially if I said something about Tal aggravating me. I am going to miss her saying ”Hey are you doing?”
I have prayed for Rita and I know that in Christ Alone her hope was found. The thought of worshipping an Almight God face to face is hard for me to wrap my head around but she started today! She is standing in the love of Christ!
Rita – Tal and I love you and we will miss you dearly. Until we meet again sweet friend ~ Melynda